Queer Ecologies Research Collective II:
July 29–August 11, 2024
Ecological collapse is a theater of the absurd—how do we play upon its stage? The Queer Ecologies Research Collective (QuERC) will embrace CREATION / BECOMING / CHAOS as a guiding logic, generating a space for embodied and performative research in pursuit of creative entanglement and co-evolution.CREATION / BECOMING / CHAOS
July 29–August 11, 2024
This session explored the “performance lecture” and cabaret as critical strategies for queer ecologies, culminating in a live cabaret on August 3rd featuring guest artist and emcee John Jarboe. Dada and drag provided frames of reference as playful and subversive art movements that speak to the power of the absurd, the disorienting, and the fantastical. The QuERC asserts that these affective tools are necessary to the pursuit of a regenerative spirit, and to our ability to intra-relate with concepts such as extinction and apocalypse.
“A Glossary for Queer Ecologies”
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture
Antennae: The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture
Issue 64: Queering Nature | Summer 2024
Queer Ecologies Research Collective I:
July 6–12, 2023
QuERC first assembled in July 2023 at the arts residency Mildred’s Lane (Upper Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania) to consider questions such as “What is a research paradigm for queer ecologies?” And “What can collective research processes generate?” The week-long session decomposed hierarchies between traditional academic work and domestic or social practice, with reading discussions, slide lectures, and theoretical roundtables intermixed with pond swimming, cooking meals, and watching fireflies.